Archive for April 2011
ZXR engine swap – I
As mentioned in the previous post there was a string of events that occurred that forced me swap out the original engine. The original engine had suffered from sitting for 20+ years in a garage. Around this time a turbo engine became available, and I had been toying with the idea of swapping in a turbo engine. The turbo was swapped in, and I ran with for some time, and it was a blast. However, there were some questions on this engine. Ultimately we pulled the engine and rebuilt the engine with flat tops and a modified cam. While the turbo was a blast, California regulations and keeping the car in as close to original trim won out. I mention these details as I did not take pictures of the car when swapping the rebuilt engine back in.
Photos Taken: 10/28/2007
New Injectors
The Z had been having some minor starting problems for a few months at the time of these pictures. It was probably becoming more noticeable now with the colder weather (Cold for California). Thus began a series of replacements to try and resolve this issues. This was early in the process, and I am noting everything now as I did not take photos of every little thing that I replaced over a period of several months. The car would simply not start reliably, this was typically resolved by holding down the gas. So long as you got it start, she would run great. If you missed the opportunity… could be an hour or more before she would start. I would find out several months later that the engine has an issue between cylinders 3-4 (if memory serves me correctly). Compression was good, but the 20 years of sitting in a garage in Ohio had taken it’s toll on the car. Sadly the engine block was so far gone that I ended up swapping in a new engine. While most of this detail is not related to this post, I write is to explain why I had to start making changes to this car.
Some items I had replaced: AFM, Distributor, Injectors, Blaster Coil, EFI Connectors, All EFI Sensors as well as various EFI Compenets
Photos Taken: 1/18/2007
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