Archive for December 2010
Random California Pics – 2006
Sadly, I have lost a great deal of my pictures from when I originally got my car. If any turn up I will post them. 🙂
EDIT: 3/15/2011 – Edited photos added & originals deleted , changes are minor as the pictures were taken in a low quality format.
ZXR – Prior to Purchase V
EDIT: 3/15/2011 – Edited photos added & originals deleted , changes are minor as the pictures were taken in a low quality format. These shots were taken by the original owner.
More ZXR pictures from Ohio
ZXR – Prior to Purchase IV
EDIT: 3/14/2011 – Edited photos added & originals deleted , changes are minor as the pictures were taken in a low quality format. These shots were taken by the original owner.
ZXR – Prior to purchase III
More ZXR pictures from Ohio
EDIT: 2/26/2011 – Edited photos added & originals deleted , changes are minor as the pictures were taken in a low quality format. These shots were taken by the original owner.
Note: Removed Duplicate Pics.
ZXR – Prior to purchase II
More ZXR pictures from Ohio
EDIT: 2/26/2011 – Edited photos added & originals deleted , changes are minor as the pictures were taken in a low quality format. These shots were taken by the original owner.
ZXR – Prior to purchase I
Please Note that the Date on some of these images are incorrect. These photos were taken in 2006.
EDIT: 2/26/2011 – Edited photos added & originals deleted , changes are minor as the pictures were taken in a low quality format. These shots were taken by the original owner.
Site up and running!
I am still getting things perfected here but for the most part we are up and running.
That being said, I am aware that some features are not yet working. I will address them over the coming days.
I have a ton of pictures (20GB+) from the on going process of restoring my ZXR & 240Z . I plan on posting from the early stages and working up to how things are now, so this might take some time. This will give you a better idea of how the evolution of the projects occurred.
If things go well, I may open the site up for additional users to post about there Z-Projects. (If there is an interest)
Anyway, Thanks for stopping by!
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